On November 24, 1996 on the hallowed grounds of the Sydney Opera House approximately 150,000 people showed up on the forecourt to create an ever lasting memory for those who attended the event.

Unfortunately 13 year old me was unable to attend as I probably had my head burried in video games not realising I would miss out on a monumentus occasion until well into my 20’s when instead of just humming and singing along to the main stayers in the music diet of Crowded House’s biggest hits, I opened up a little more and dug a bit deeper, only then could I fathom the impact this band had on the music industry and so many people all around the world.

As us photographers positioned ourselves in the sound desk the show started with a slow piano solo that wafted over the crowd which not only kept everyone in suspense but it lulled them into an excellent mindframe as the band all slowly made their way on the stage to the cheering, yelling and clapping of each person in the building. The voices in the audience soon went into complete silence as the band went straight into Weather With You; obvioulsy that silence was short lived as everyone joined together to sing especially loud during the chours “Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you, Everywhere you go, always take the weather” bounced off the walls and right up to the celing way above our heads.

Throughout the song Neil use the gigantic stage they were all sprawled over to interact with every single member of the band and the crowd in front of his eyes, even from the position I was standing you could see the giant smile and the twinkle in his eye as he trapsed all over the stage both Liam and Nick joined in fully taking in what I feel was like a glorious feeling to be yet again standing in front of a huge sold out crowd, doing what they were all put on this big rolling ball; and doing it well. Neil stopped singing, making the crowd join in for the chorus, momentarily to just absorb what I can only image to be a continued moving moment to hear what you created being sung back to you but so many people, sometimes I do not know how musicians of this level can handle the complimentary aspects of their “jobs”.

The brilliance of musicians who love what they do, and that have been doing this for such a long time either go two ways. They just play song to song, say a few things here and there, but do not really engage the crowd but when it comes to Crowded House it is as though the never shook off the enthusiasm that they had in the very beginning of their careers (and obviously for the younger members in the band now). It all just has continued to flow into what it is today, and this also showcases what a showman is. Not just a bunch of people who can play wicked music, the personalities shine right out into the venue and you can tell that they really f*cking LOVE what they do, and they still APPRECIATE the reaction from their audiences even after all these years. They spent a lot of the evening joking, engaging and making everyone feel like they were included in the show, and that they were the show? I do not know how else to explain it but that is the best way to descibe it.

Fall At Your Feet was met with equal energy from everyone and you could tell that this would be the level people would be at for the entire 2 hour + evening. As they moved on into Don’t Stop Now and on to Playing With Fire support act (and legends in their own right) Middle Kids joined the band on stage and they stuck around for To The Island before they walked of Neil joked “Don’t think they took into account someone from New Zeland” as he said “Muddle Kuds” to which everyone had a bit of a giggle, as we do Aussie make fun of the NZ accents, NZ people make fun of our Aussie accents. Which is still beautiful as its been done for so long the majority of us know its all a big joke but we still love each other.

Moving on to Pineapple Head all the guitar wielding members slayed entirely with Liam being an obvious stand out with a short but delicous lick they didn’t miss a beat heading directly into Show Me The Way and this was an indictation of the whole show, constant smooth transitions and a beautifully planned out setlist. Which again made its way perfectly into When You Come which Neil pointed out this was the motion of the ocean times when you’re in the sheets with that special someone! Of course Liam (Neil’s son) was a little (jokingly) squeemish about this as who wants to really think about your parents doing it? After the song ended Liam said “I didn’t even think about that until right now…”

Neil pointed out that he loved the Aware Super Theatre a lot. He even more loved the fact that he could easily see every single one of us. Especially when people were getting up out of their seats to walk about the million stairs. “This venue wow, I really like it, you’re all there” he gestured with both hands to all of us “It’s big, its massive, you really have to choose your moment to go for a beer or use the toilet coz we can just watch you” everyone laughed at this but he then followed up with “It’s a lot of stairs as well! So take your time. Someone might let you sit on their lap on the way up… The AWARE arena…” he said as he put both hands to his head. Nick then joked about being SUPER aware, a joke which continued and was intertwined into songs during their set.

All eyes where on Neil as the stage darkened and a beam of light shone down on him as he introduced the 12th song of their 24 song set 4 Seasons during the song Neil said “I wanna hear you sing” and he started playing a few chords as the whole band stood silent and all he sang was “Blood….” and the whole crowd took over continuing the song singing perfectly together. “What about Tim’s part now…?” everyone giggled as we went around again trying to sing higher, we tried, we failed but we still sounded pretty beautiful.

As mentioned before as the ongoing joke of sneaking in “Super Aware” was snuck into Sister Madly and the band by this stage was really relaxed on stage and slipping into their infectious personalities to what I can liken a bunch of friends just jamming together in a garage living in the moment together, they were aware we were all there but they were all just being themselves and thriving on the love of their art.

As the “Stealth Ninjas” as Neil dubbed them came on stage once more to do another guitar swapsie people throughout the crowd as I scanned their faces; they were all beaming. People got up and were dancing; people dancing in seats. Throwing arms around one another. I had thought as a concert photographer and reviewer I would never see any of this again.

As we were rounding into the tail end of the show (I say this even though there were still another 8 songs to go by this point!). The masses broke out once again with sheer and utter enthusiasm joining the band in singing along to World Where You Live which was magic as a lot of the time even the most dedicated fans seem to lose steam from long sets, but I did not see that happening at all.

Out of nowhere while the stage was silent as Stealth Ninjas were scurrying about Nick randomly broke into song. I think I missed a bit of it but it kinda went like “Why don’t you try me, try me, so long that I been waiting for you to come right in. Now that we are together. Let my love run over” the crowd was clapping along and attempting an encoure for that performance which we sadly were denied. Even with Neil joining in with us clapping along. He joked "I have never seen Nick do that before" Nick replied “It’s a song I have been working on and I am trying to get it on the next album, just breaking it in”

As we rounded the corner towards the end of the night with Don’t Dream, Whatever You Want, Locked Out and Distant. All of which were matched by the crowd. The band waved to the crowd and walked off the stage. To continued applause, screams from the crowd and whistles from all over the room trying to get the band to come back out.

Of course we were (THANKFULLY) treated to an encoure. Once on stage Neil said to Nick “Why are you taking so long to set up you only have four strings”. If Neil ever decides to quit music I would encourage him to comve into comedy.

The finale couldn’t have been more perfect if it tried, it covered a lot of the people’s favourites. I would have taken more notes but at this point I was just as consumed and delighted by the band that all I can tell you was that it put me in the best of moods, I felt everyone around me living in the moment, sining their hearts out and having such a huge appreciation not only for music being back in our lives but the fact that we all got to experience the raw talent, professionalism of extremely talented people going off right in front of our eyes. We sang and dance to Something So Strong, we moved as one to It’s Only Natural, we absorbed Goodnight Everyone, I do not know about everyone else, but I sat in silence just taking in Into Temptation, I think reserving Better Be Home Soon for the last number was a wonderful choice as all of our voices mixed in together singing that track from start to finish. When I was younger I was OBSESSED with Kasey Chambers version of this song, but as much as I loved that one, there is nothing better than the original, and to hear it live is nothing but an extremely magnificent highlight in my life and I am so grateful, to the bands, to the promoters, the publicists and all the people involved in putting this night together. Alas it is now 5am, I am done editing photos, I am done with my review and I will be going to bed with the utter magical high, and soul energising feeling thanks to the epically amazing, the spectacularly brilliant Crowded House. 100/10 and would highly recommend anyone (even if you “only know a few songs”) to get along to a show in the future if you can. You will not regret it.

We all gave them a standing ovation the band came together and bowed to the crowd.

Perfect ending to a perfect night.


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