ChitChat - With Ben Hallett From Skyway


Interview By: Em Violet


What got you all into music?


We all picked up instruments in primary school. Half of us played in the Labrador State Primary School concert band at some point in history although on “less cool” instruments haha. We all gravitated into punk and hardcore bands in highschool and we started playing any local sheds, musical halls and pubs that would let us! It was the best of times…


Where did the name Skyway come from and is there a meaning behind it?


I think Dizza stole the name from another band’s song but we prefer the myth that we took it from the 80s BMX bike brand.


You have been on hiatus for quite a while, what did everyone get up to in that time and did you miss writing and working with each other?


We’ve all been up to pretty different stuff like university, travel, tech startups, other music ventures, fatherhood and dabbling in the film industry. Over that time we had lots of old fans hitting us up and we’ve consistently nagged each other about creating something new with Skyway. It seems like it took a global pandemic to slow us down enough that we actually made it happen!


What was the reason you guys decided to get back together and create more music?


It actually all started to come together when Dan hit everyone up for a jam and some drinks. None of us had played Skyway songs in years but most it came back quickly (probably because it’s only pop punk and made up of about 6 chords and 2 drum beats…). When we ran out of songs we could remember we started writing new stuff and the new stuff sounded awesome so we said that’s it, we’re doing it.


Out of all the things you have achieved as a band, what is the main thing you are proud of?


As a whole, our album Finders Keepers was the pinnacle of what we achieved imo. We put so much thought and effort into that album and I’m biased but I still think it holds up! For me, one of my favourite memories was our Japan tour with Frenzal Rhomb. It was relatively early on in the life of Skyway but Frenzal Rhomb were our childhood icons. Before we wrote our first Skyway songs we’d practice their songs. They were hilarious to tour with and they spent a bunch of time successfully messing with our heads.


Are you excited to see fans reactions when you release the new EP next month?


Very! I can’t believe people still like us! Everyone’s been pretty patient over the years and I can’t wait to give them more.


Describe the sound of the EP? Will it be the same as your older stuff or can we expect something new?


People have been telling us that it sounds more ‘mature’ than anything we’ve done previously. The songs have darker themes and the release certainly has a higher concentration of minor chords than Skyway typically would. That being said, there’s a cover on there that I think people are going to get a laugh out of!


Your new track “Cut The Ties” has been released at the start of this month, can you tell us what the meaning behind the song is?


It’s about disconnecting from things in your life that hold you back from your true potential.


What is one thing that you miss about playing live?


The energy. I miss the sweat and chaos of the crowd, them feeding off us and us feeding off them.


What are your goals as a band for the future?


I think we’ve got a lot more in the tank. COVID pending, I’d love to see us jump on some tours in 2021 and build up to a bigger release.

Skyway's new EP 'Hope Floats, Love Sinks' will be released on Friday November 20 and can be pre-ordered/pre-saved at New single 'Cut The Ties' is live for purchase/streaming now.

For more information, visit

Skyway 4.jpg


01. Above Snakes
02. Cut The Ties
03. Heart Anchor
04. Glasshouse
05. The Day You Went Away


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