ChitChat - With Dean from Before The King


Editors Note: Unfortunately due to a technical error there will be no podcast for this interview. As we want to put out as high quality products as we can we determined that the interview recording sound unfortunately fell short on this occasion, so we have transcribed it all for your reading pleasure! - Cheers, Monika.

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Before The King 1.png

We’re here today to have a chat about your awesome new single and upcoming gig. This track, and even your previous tracks have garnered a lot of buzz, how does it feel?  

Yeah, it feels good. It feels great to that people are as excited about what we're doing is we're which is nice. What else can you say about it. 


Yeah, I love your new track ‘Mary Lou.’ I’d love if we could dive into their kind of writing process a little bit; What’s the band’s writing process like? -  Start as the jam and you pick out certain points you like? Or does someone come in with an idea?  

You were pretty on the money with your first thing you said, with it being a jam, and then its kind of like a jam until it shows the ideas and then we kind of organize it and trim it down into something nice and digestible. That's definitely how Mary Lou came about. 


Yeah, and then does that help you click more playing live, and almost feel closer as friends?   

Yeah, definitely, definitely, I think the effect of doing it is that everyone sort of feels a lot more ownership over the material, as opposed to if one person had just come in and being like, Guys, I got a song kind of thing. 


Do you go in with the intent of making a new song? Or just a let’s see what happens type of thing?  

It's very much sort of a let's see what happens kind of thing. If we come across an idea that we're excited about, we rush into it and just start writing try to organize it into something. I mean, it's sort of a process of like, you always know, at the end of it, you'll have something but it's not always an amazing thing. If you know what I mean? Yeah, frequency of doing it means that you're more likely to come up with something you really like. 


Mary Lou’s got a distinctively different brand of rock than previous tracks you’ve put out, was that a plan for the track?   

I wouldn't say it was calculated, it’s just sort of something we did. And then after it happened, we were like, Oh, look at what we've done. We've created something that doesn't sound like what we would normally try and aim for. 


What kind of stuff were you listening to when you got ‘Mary Lou’ down?  

well, definitely there was some like sort of 60s Garage That was being played by some of us, like, I know that, like Easybeats going through my earphones at the time.  


Yeah, is this the kind of stuff you listen to for even your earlier tracks?  

Yeah, yeah, the kind of stuff that we have always sort of had on rotation is like, the sort of that garage rocker Renaissance from the 2000s. Like, the strokes, arctic monkeys, The White Stripes, Interpol, those kind of bands, that usually ends up filtering through what we do quite a lot, no matter what other stuff we're listening to at the time. So you know, we could be listening to something as far out as like, French folk or EDM or something. And it'll always kind of balance out in the end by the fact that it's running through like quite a specific filter. 


I’d love to dive into the awesome show you’ve got coming up now, it’s a great charity you’re supporting, is this kind of good stuff something you hope to do throughout the future of your band?  

Yeah, definitely. Definitely. I mean, us all, having grown up, we’ve always been quite socially conscious. I've been involved with circles of people who have like, exposed us to, you know, all kinds of social issues. And I think it's kind of like, the way that we look at it is we wouldn't feel right, if we had built ourselves a platform that we weren't using in some way to benefit the world around us, like make things a little better for everyone. So definitely, it's something that we're always going to keep doing as long as we're a thing, I reckon. 


Yeah. And that's something you also want to try and get through your music as well?  

Definitely. I mean, if you would have looked at the lyrics as any of the past tracks, I think that there's always a sort of underlying theme of positivity throughout hardship that we're trying to, you know, convey to the world or at least convey in ourselves and hopefully, breed that energy to the world. 


Going back to the show now, what's kind of the response been from people about the good message and the good initiative behind it?   

People seem to be super keen on it. Like people seem to be really happy to be a part of something like that, which is really great. Like we feel really good about that people are interested in doing something like that and not just interested in the fun and the going to gigs and stuff like that's been really overwhelming for us that like this, this this sort of goodness in the people that want to support us. So yeah, I mean, unfortunately with COVID and due to the lockdown restriction We've had to reschedule for an unspecified time because the lockdown keeps getting extended. But I think that's kind of drumming up a bit more anticipation for people, which is a good thing.  


With COVID and restrictions, do you feel like the Aussie live scene has gotten stronger, between bands and other bands, and of course between fans?   

I mean, I would definitely agree with that in the time between this lockdown. And the last one, I definitely felt this sort of like, revitalization in a way, like people were really keen to get back out and doing stuff. And I'm sure that you know, every time that it gets suppressed by locked down, it will come back with a sort of greater depth than before. So yeah, I agree with what you're saying., it's just such a big community all the communities that are there are really supportive for each other.  


What’s next for the band? Do you see this kind of Easybeats inspired music continuing?  

Well, definitely, the we have quite a lot of material in our bank that we're trying to work through at the moment. So I can answer this pretty definitively if you'd like. So, we, you know, we have a lot of stuff in our bank from the past. And there's definitely sort of much more with the stuff that we're really going to be releasing for the next while, it'll be in this same sort of like, good spirit, good energy, garage, rock sound, in the same vein is kind of the sort of thread that you can hear running through all of our other tracks. And in the future, where we've started exploring other sort of Sonic vibes, which is, you know, explored a lot of darker sounds like, more gloomy, more, like Interpol vibe. And yeah, we're excited about that stuff, too, when it starts hitting the airways. 


Is this darker vibe something you see continuing in the future?  

It's actually, you know, there's probably elements of it that have existed in some of our tracks. But I think it's really something that we had never explored, we never desired to explore. And all of a sudden, we wrote one track that was quite spooky and dark. And we were like, Whoa, that was awesome. Let's, let's try that again. 


What’s next for you guys? Festivals and stuff like that?  

We've got quite a lot of music that we are trying to get out into the world. And I don't see that slowing down anytime soon. So that's probably what you can expect is just a lot, a lot more music from us. 


Was there anything else you wanted to add about the single upcoming show?   
I mean, if people are enjoying the track thank you so much for the support. Thanks so much for supporting local radio and local media. And in addition, keep your eyes on us because we'll be announcing updated dates for tours around soon. So yeah, that's all from us. We love you. 


Oh, it's been great to talk to you today, looking forward to seeing what's next!  
Thanks! All the best! 

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