(Cocktail) ChitChat - With Laura & Zac from Laura Mac!

Laura’s favourite cocktails:

- #1 favourite cocktail is for sure a margarita. It has to be frozen (never shaken), strong (the stronger the better) and traditional flavour. Drinking a well made margarita simulates a sunny beach on a hot day. Refreshing, delicious and classic.

#2 favourite is a tequila shot with salt and lime. Snort the salt, shoot the shot and squeeze the lime straight in the eye.. ;) 

- #3 favourite cocktail is a cosmopolitan. I’ve only ever really drank cosmos once and it was when I was in Paris with my sister and a friend. We were sitting in a café looking over the river near the Notre Dame cathedral late one evening and it was beautiful. We sat there drinking and talking for hours. That is a night I hold dearly in my heart and a drink that takes me right back to that moment. 

Zac’s favourite cocktails:

- #1 for me is probably a Fruit Tingle cocktail. The main reason I love this is because of the nostalgia. I can still remember the first time I got one when I was out for dinner at a Mexican House restaurant and thinking ‘I’m only drinking these from now on.’ In all honesty I haven’t had one for years because I’ve come to realise they’re sickeningly sweet and I’m not 15 years old anymore.

- #2 is probably Shreks on the Beach. I had it for the first time in mid october this year at Laura’s little sister’s Shrek themed birthday. It looked like swamp water but it was good. 

‘Garage Full of Dreams’ is out now!

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