Song Review - Alessandra Matkins - f for fake friends



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Smooth, Sultry, cut with poignance and radiating confidence. Alessandra Matkins “F for Fake Friends” is a masterpiece of emotion.

The song radiates authenticity and oozes charisma.

This is a debut release from this young singer songwriter, and I was pleasantly surprised by the polished finish on every element of this release. From the writing, to the video this song was elegant and refined to a standard beyond her years.

Matkins is unique. Her voice is silky soft and yet unquestionably powerful. From the moment Matkins sings the first note you are entranced, floating, it is an out of body experience listening to this song. The raw emotion of Matkins is laid bare in this debut number. The sentimentality of the song is apparent, from the moment the first note is sung. This is a gorgeous ode to the complicated nature of relationships and the type of hurt and betrayal you sometimes experience. The emotion is all over the place, you ride a wave of contemporary highs and velvety jazz lows.

The song is dynamic and fresh, a blend of genres and emotion perfectly woven. Alessandra presents these straightforward lyrics, crisp and clear with a complex sound behind them. For a debut piece of music, the finish on this song is excellent. The song is well thought out both lyrically and sonically. The piece is a gentle journey through, what you can tell is a personal experience for this young and talented artist.

The accompanying video is sumptuous. A fitting visual representation for the rich and lustrous voice that bursts in front of it. The video adds an element of ethereal mystery to Alessandra. She appears as an almost angelic and yet somewhat ghostlike figure. An untouchable presence. Alessandra Matkins is outside of your grasp. Her rich writing style and emotional delivery is beyond exciting to see. I can’t wait to see what this devastatingly haunting, emotive singer song writer does next.

Alessandra began writing songs when she was fourteen years old. She had always enjoyed listening to music and imagining the ambience as she did so. "F for Fake Friends" was her first song as an artist. The song is about how you might be mistreated by fraudulent people who enter your life. It demonstrates that not everyone is a buddy. Some people will like you, while others will dislike you. She loved having friends, but they weren't the folks who truly cared about her. It took her a long time to comprehend that this is the way things are in life. People may appear good from the surface, but the inside reveals who they truly are.

Alessandra decided to write a song about it based on her personal experiences with people who aren't true to themselves or even try to be friends. It's almost as if people wear masks that are so similar that you can't tell them apart at first. She was apprehensive about releasing the song because it was a departure for her from what she was comfortable with. This is a song that has a significant impact on her life. She wanted the song to be everything and it turned exactly into everything that she hoped for it to be. She had never been in the studio with the band before. It was her first time working with a band with such a diverse range of musical abilities. The song was originally supposed to be pop-oriented with a dark vibe, but it didn't have a strong ending that she liked.

Her father proposed that the song include a saxophone, which she absolutely adored. As a result, when they were both in the studio together, they decided to make it more of a Contemporary RnB song instead of what form they had in mind for the track. It went off without a hitch, and the flow was excellent taking it in a entirely and satisfactory new direction. Even listening to a studio draught of the song made her fall in love with it even more. The song had a full tone to it, and the ending worked out better than it did at the very beginning.

You can listen to the track above with the Spotify link, or head below to catch the video clip.

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