A Swift Farewell ‘Save Yourself’ Single Review

Review By: Em Violet

Photo By: Monika Smith

Photo By: Monika Smith

A Swift Farewell are a four-piece pop punk band from Sydney which consist of members, Ryo Sprott on guitar , Dwayne Morris on drums, Sarah Bonnet on bass, and Emma Mather killing it with the vocals.

The band formed only last year and have been smashing it with every single one of their releases. Not only is their music great but their live performances will blow you away with the amount of great energy that they put out. “Save Yourself” is the new track from the band and it’s none other than pop punk goodness with heavier influences throughout - from the first crashing sound of the drums to the catchy as fuck melody.

The vocals are on point and go perfectly with the engaging sounds of the instruments. The bass line is so strong and loud which I love a lot as it isn’t drowned out by any of the other instruments, it’s powerful and stands out. The drums crash hard throughout the whole track and the guitar riffs are bold. Emma Mather’s vocals are incredible in this track, they radiate power and are just down right great to listen to. While this track to me throws out some Tonight Alive vibes, it brings it’s own unique style and makes it a great pop punk track.

This band are definitely one to watch out for as every track is just full of so much power and has great melodies. They have a lot of potential and I can’t wait to see where that takes them.




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