Song Review - Birthday Raven - Venerate



I will preface this by admitting this is an unconventional song for me to review, however it was eagerly thrust upon me last week while I was sitting in bar in Newtown listening to a story about the greatest night someone had at Frankie’s. Honestly the first 20min of the conversation involved me fantasizing about Pizza and politely nodding at the appropriate time but my new friend was persistent and incredibly passionate that I must look up these bands.

Lucky for me this investigation lines up perfectly with Birthday Raven Dropping ‘Venerate’. As I listen to this glistening new track I have to think what makes a good Punk song?  What is Punk? Personally I fall down a rabbit hole every time I contemplate the genre. As I listen to ‘Venerate’ I begin to think about the perception of the genre and where Birthday Raven and ‘Venerate’ fit in to that landscape.  On its surface it is rebellion and rejection of the accepted norm. Punk written to inspire rebellion is a but a scratch, a flesh wound easily treated. Real Punk, Good Punk music is rooted in social observation and criticism. It is unrelenting, a devastating yet beautiful understanding of the complexities of the world we inhabit.

 Punk music Is often described as being aggressive but I tend to disagree, for me every good punk song is less about aggression and more about frustration, anger at the accepted flaws of society that could be improved. Dissatisfaction in the majority subscribing to the menial narrative that is presented  by governments, media and general capitalism. Punk is crystal clear vision of reality and ‘Venerate’ holds well to this high standard.  This song ticks every box of good Punk, in all of its direct and brutal glory. What more could you want?  

Venerate by Birthday Raven, released 15 February 2021


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