Song Review - Little Green - ‘pending’


The individual experiences of lockdowns and their impacts are coming through in the form of art, particularly in music during the post/current world of the coronavirus. Over periods of isolation, Amy Nelson, known by her stage-name ‘Little Green’, set herself the challenge of writing one song per day. ‘pending’ is the newly released single that provides a taste of what is to come on Little Green’s upcoming EP, set for release later this year.

‘pending’ is heart-wrenchingly beautiful. Nelson bemoans the loss of friendship, travel and the throes of life over this period, during which we were “put on hold”. A real standout of the song is the vocal performance by Amy, who manages to display her immense range while keeping her delivery poignantly reserved.

There is a stark simpleness to the track that evokes a personal emotion about ‘pending’, as if Nelson is writing this song for all of us and what we’ve lost over the last eighteen months. With just a voice and guitar, Little Green could be performing around a campfire, or in a quiet room at a house party.

Joni Mitchell inspired the name ‘Little Green’, and her influence is felt on ‘pending’. This is most prominent on the vocal runs, which reach heights that would impress Mitchell herself, as well in the overall intimacy of the track.

Despite the melancholic subject matter the song focuses on, Nelson suggests that there is some hope for the future. ‘pending’ doesn’t argue that our lives have stopped forever, but rather that they are on pause, and will continue eventually. She also offers that the period has allowed us to slow down, maybe a little too much, but enough to appreciate the little ubiquities of life, such as “the time to smell the rose, the one they planted years ago”. She also provides a ray of hope in the desolate “broken world” picture she paints, with a promise of “This too shall pass/O the sun will come around”.

This song is important. In its simple approach, its appreciation for the range of emotions we have all endured and the hope it manifests. A real call to reflect on our time in lockdown, ‘pending’ is a promising step toward the release of Little Green’s upcoming EP, and towards the young artist’s future in music.



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