Song Review - Molly & The Krells - Silver & Gold



They say that not all that Glitters is Gold but “Silver and Gold”, the New Molly And The Krells release certainly is. This is a mouth-watering mix of spellbinding drumming, delectable guitar riffs and tasty bass lines. This band is so consistent in releasing explosive and forward- facing music.

There is an inherent and beautiful relatability about a lot of Molly and The Krells songs and “Silver and Gold” does not stray from this tantalizing formulation. This band writes music for all occasions. This track could easily slide into any of your regular play lists and inject a bit of pop-punk fun into your day.

There is that silky nostalgic quality to “Silver and Gold”, it could be played between Blink-182 and bowling for soup but also between Yours Truly and Real Friends. Much like the other releases, lyrically “Silver and Gold” is both a wonderful story and yet still open for interpretation. The skilful writing style of this band is unrivalled by a lot of pop-punk bands today.

There is a certain quality to the lyrics, that allows you to follow the story of the song but also to draw on your own personal experiences. I always have found that is what makes Molly and the Krells stand apart from many other bands. In terms of musicianship, there is nothing to fault. These are extremely skilled and well-practiced musicians.

The technical ability of this band awe-inspiring. With that said- Nothing ever looks forced. The accompanying music video is a testament to how hard work a precision musicianship can still translate to raw pop-punk energy. Much like the Song the Video has a very nostalgic pop-punk quality and is the perfect accompaniment to the song’s music and lyrics. The video adding an additional layer of 2000’s nostalgia.

The video is well thought out and visually engaging while not distracting from the song itself. This is 2:47 of tantalizing pop-punk heaven.


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