Song Review - The Corps - "The Last Laugh"


Released October 20, The Corps newest single, The Last Laugh starts strong blasting your eardrums with melodical fast-paced drums and guitar riffs. 

The song only goes for a bit over two-minutes, but it is certainly enough time to get your head moving along with the rhythm. After properly listening to the lyrics, it seems like a continuation on from their song ‘Hazardous’, which I believe is about trust and opening up. And The Last Laugh has the same themes. It also somewhat made me relate, with lines ‘Am I dressed appropriate, oh God I’m so embarrassed’ and ‘Don’t be alarmed if someone you respect takes the spot, that’s life they say’. It made me think more deeply about the lyrics and not just the music, that can very easily distract you.  

If you listened to their album, Tales From 2814, it has a very similar sound. It has that early 2000s punk rock vibe, reminding me of bands like My Chemical Romance and Rise Against. I think they have developed a new and fresh sound for themselves by mixing a couple of their earlier album sounds together, such as the aforementioned Tales From 2814, which diverges more towards the heavier side of rock. 

It has a very fast paced in your face melody, that doesn’t hold back. There are only a couple of points in the song where they back off a little, which puts emphasis on certain parts of the lyrics. Very close to the beginning, after the initial barrage, they back off a bit letting you hear lines like ‘everyday walking around just so hollow’ and a minute later when they sing ‘you’re much more beautiful than you were’. Doing this pulls you back in, otherwise, you may just hear music and not actual listen to what they’re trying to say. I found I needed to listen to the song a few times to actually hear everything, as I was getting too wrapped up in the sound.  

The song is wild, it’s loud and it’s fun. I could certainly see them playing this at a gig and seeing the crowd smashing their heads back and forth, even pushing people around in the mosh pit; it’ll be a crowd pleaser no less. 


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