EP Review – Whatever, Forever – ‘SLOWLY DYING WITH YOU


Whatever, Forever and their forthcoming EP, 'Slowly Dying With You'.

Officially releasing on Friday October 29th 2021!

Achieving the flawless balance of modern day punk/emo vibes, memorable lyrics and catchy melodies is something all bands strive for in this ever-competitive and growing scene. But Sydney three-piece Whatever, Forever make it look effortless with their impeccable line-up of tracks that make up their new EP ‘Slowly Dying With You’.

The opening track ‘Pieces of Us’ dives straight in, initiating with a breakdown-style instrumental with a haunting yet simple melody, reminiscent of the likes of The Amity Affliction and House vs. Hurricane. But this goes on to provide a refreshing contrast when the vocals come in with the poignant line “I’m still leaning on broken crutches”, setting the tone for not just the song but for the entire EP. With hints of Basement and Citizen influence, we are introduced to a captivating story of a love that is painful yet profound; challenging yet worth holding onto. ‘Pieces of Us’ has an unforgettable, anthem-like chorus that emphasises the doubts and failings of a relationship that isn’t what it used to be, almost to the point of giving up, with the chilling (no pun intended) line “It’s snowing outside, but it’s colder when I’m next to you” leaving not much room for any other interpretation.

But just as relationships do, the EP takes a turn with the next track, its first released single ‘I Need You More Than You Know’, providing a new and more hopeful perspective with lines like “Let's take this as far as it goes, I don't mind if you don't”, and “You're like a ray of light cutting just like a blade through the darkest night”, which sounds optimistic and perfectly emo at the same time. Following this, we have the second single released off the EP ‘Ghost of Me’, which carries on a similar vibe musically to the rest of the EP, this time giving us a headbang-worthy breakdown three quarters in, proving sure to be a favourite at the band’s upcoming live shows. Then we have ‘Paterson’, a song which diverts from the overall theme of love and relationships and is more self-focused, with the opening line of the chorus “It feels like everything that I ever worried about doesn’t really matter anymore”; something that a lot of us can probably relate to in recent times. It’s in this self-reflection that the title of the EP ‘Slowly Dying With You’ starts to have a clearer meaning; it’s not just the relationship that’s fading, but the individuals themselves on either side.

The closing track ‘This Is Not The End’ is, in fact, the perfect end to the EP. Heavy vocals, heavy guitars, and juxtaposing lyrics that highlight the back and forth battle between love and hate: “If I’m a fake and I’m a liar, what the f**k does that make you?”, but then later in the song “My hand in yours, all I need to keep moving forward”. The end of the track fades to a soft guitar and vocal, and it leaves us with lingering feelings from the last 20 minutes, and it’s difficult to not jump straight back in and relive this musical voyage from the top. ‘Slowly Dying With You’ may be an EP about things fading away, but Whatever, Forever have proven that they are doing just the opposite of that. This is a band that is only on the rise in the Australian punk/rock/emo scene, and have come an incredibly long way from their first EP released in 2016. These songs are sure to go off when live shows return and the mosh is back in full swing – and that day can’t come soon enough.

For more information, visit www.facebook.com/whateverforeverau/.


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