Song Review - Honey Hayze -'Gimme The Night' Single + Press Release



After a string of successful shows post Sydney's first lockdown, including sold out at The Landsdowne Hotel, Oxford Arts Factory and a return to band favourite The Northern in Byron bay, the Hayze has been trying to find the opportune moment to release their upcoming EP. Deciding to release a single 'Gimme The Night' during our current lockdown as a bit of funky, psychedelic escape for our fans doing it tough.

Gimme The Night is available on all streaming platforms!

Honey Hayze Bio

Forming early 2018, in a blaze of musical fusion and aspiration, the Honey Hayze band has burst onto both the Australian and European music scenes without batting an eyelid. Equipt with a bag of catchy tunes and a genuine affinity for playing live, the boys are showing no signs of slowing down, even with tours being constantly ravaged by covid.

After a string of successful shows post Sydney's first lockdown, including sold out Landsdowne Hotel, Oxford Arts Factory and a return to band favourite The Northern in Byron bay, the band has been trying to find the opportune moment to release their upcoming EP. Deciding to release a single 'Gimme The Night' during our current lockdown as a bit of funked up fun for the fans on Aug 30.

Lead by their charismatic front man Earl Weir, crowds everywhere have been given no choice but to dance to an all original set complete with catchy blues and funky, psychedelic vibes. Coupled with the violent plucking and stylish strumming of Mitch Tolnay and Rory Wheatly respectively, Gus Hart on the skins and Lachie Anders lording the sax, the hayze train is fuelled up and ready to burst out of the station with the EP set to be released late 2021.

Aussie funk rockers Honey Hayze have just shared their latest track ‘Gimme The Night,’ and it’s a good one.

Starting out with a funky bass lick, you’ll find your head bopping without you even knowing it. Rhythmic funky guitars and horns join in, adding to a massive band feel, with vibes of old school jam bands. Topping off with old school sounding vocals, the track starts off on a great note.

The song just getting groovier and groovier, the song cumulating to a mid point where all the instruments turn down and slowly work their way back up to an awesome, massive, funk-filled outro.

The boys are giving the Aussie music industry a taste of something that’s new and different. They’re funky, they’re smooth, be prepared to see a lot more of Honey Hayze.

Angus Hart/The Honey Hayze Band


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