Song Review - Muules - ‘Drain’


Muules Promo.JPG

“Hailing from up-north, Aussie alt-rockers Muules really make a stand with their new track ‘Drain.’ Their minimalistic instrumentation (“bass, drums, and some synths”) creates a surprisingly full sound, and shows listeners why Muules are something new and different.

The track starts with the bass and some laid-back quiet synths, which still brings a bunch of energy for the track, and takes the listener in, and gets them ready for the journey they are about to go on.

Vocals kick straight into gear, a lyrically strong track, with each word being sung with an infectious amount of energy. The lyrics dealing with “trying to express your thoughts and feelings in a relationship that has dulled” As the track begins to wind down, we also get somewhat of a breakdown, it’s one that’ll transport you to the mosh pit and get you excited for the eventual return of live music, and catching Muules at a gig. The song travels into a bunch of different rock genres, there’s elements of punk, alt-rock and pop punk, mixing them all perfectly, for a great cohesive track.

Their original sound is super exciting, it’ll be great to see what’s next.”

(Ben Lamb)

Queensland alt-rock nerds, Muules have dug deeper into their collective conscious and brought up a punked-up ode to self-doubt in brand new single, ‘Drain’.

Full of raw emotion and questioning life’s decisions, ‘Drain’ packs a punch with fuzzed-out bass, ballistic beats, and a bonus one-man horn section to blast out a classic hooky line, courtesy of Sullivan Heywood (from dub/roots legends, Bearfoot).

Once again, Muules push the limits of what bass, drums and vocals can do (plus some extra synths), and deliver a full-sounding alternative punk anthem that draws influences from earlier Grinspoon, classic INXS, and a hint of Trophy Eyes.

Of the song, vocalist Nathan Vasey said that ‘Drain’ evolved from one single jam session to morph into this frantic blast of previous relationship experiences.

“It’s about trying to express your thoughts and feelings in a relationship that has dulled, and grown in to putting on a brave face while deep down you know you are doubting your own choices and lifestyle, and how easy it is to normalise shitty behaviour. In the end, the only person responsible to turning your life around is you,’ he said.

Produced by bassist thefoxiam, mixed by Ty Bain (who previously mixed fellow Sunshine Coasters, indie punks Swimsuit Issue), and mastered by Paul Blakey (12th and Vine Post).

‘Drain’ is the next taste of a much-awaited debut full length album from Muules, and will be available for streaming on August 20th.


“Holy s***! How did you get the bass to sound like that?”

Rhythm-section driven three-piece with passionate, socially conscious melody-laden lyrics and synth flourishes.

In a heavily guitar-driven genre, Muules push past the sonic limitations of their bass and drums configuration to deliver progressive, hooky alternative-rock with pop sensibilities.

Having already released an EP in 2018, 2019 saw Muules release two singles, ‘Unabated’ and ‘Deeper’ (both produced by Muules bassist, thefoxiam, with ‘Deeper’ being mixed and mastered by Clint Vincent - guitarist for Dead Letter Circus and Rival Fire), and a line-up change in 2020 seeing the addition of Crumpy on drums, the trio released COVID-era singles to get through the weird times.

2021, however, sees the completion of their full length album closing in, with new single, ‘Drain’ (produced by thefoxiam, mixed by Ty Bain) being the next proper taste of band hitting its stride.

This is not your average run-of-the-mill trio. This is Muules.

‘Drain’ is available for on streaming services now, and available on Amrap AIRIT now.Artwork for ‘Drain’done by @kink.ypigeon

‘Drain’ is available for on streaming services now, and available on Amrap AIRIT now.

Artwork for ‘Drain’ done by @kink.ypigeon


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