Spkezy - Midnight Club - EP Review


Review By: Em Violet

Tasmanian pop/rock band Spkezy have just dropped their brand new 80’s dreamscape EP titled Midnight Club which was released on 13th November. The EP features 6 tracks including singles “Fever Dream” and “Dope Sick” that were released previously and have racked up over 18 thousand streams on spotify. When it comes to creating, the band pride themselves on being completely DIY as they do everything themselves which is very impressive. The title of the EP was enough to draw me in to this band and their sounds as well as the rad as fuck 80’s themed cover. 

Right off the bat we have “Amphetamine” - the first track off the EP and it starts off with auto-tuned vocals and a strong sounding bass track that is followed by a perfect melody.

This incredible track is then followed by “Comedown Blues” which is a slower track with a punch, especially in the chorus, it’s contagiously catchy - with heavy lyrics that stand out, great vocals and engaging rhythm, you can really hear the 80’s elements that are mixed in with some heavier drums that make this track a great time. “Dopesick” is perfect as it starts with synth sounds that really throw off big 80’s soundscape vibes as it plays underneath guitar notes and then melodic vocals and a strong bass carrying everything.

Vocals are a definite highlight on this track as well as the slight nostalgia feeling it gives, I can certainly see why this song has been doing so well on Spotify.
Up next we are thrown into “Fever Dream” and just like the name it feels very much like that - a fever dream. The versus are a lot more soft and then the chorus punches in with its strong alternative rock influences. For a 3 minute track it really does sound fucking rad and is a favourite of mine from the EP. The last two tracks, “Hit The Line” and “Seen” are two banger tracks that have well-written lyrics, impressive vocal ability and a distinguished rhythm. Both are sure perfect enough to end this amazing EP and leave listeners feeling satisfied.  

I love everything about this EP. The way that it draws you in just by the cover art and the title and then it blows you away by the well-written lyrics, strong rhythm, and auto-tuned melodies. To say I’m impressed with this band is an understatement, their talent is glowing through this whole EP and the fact that they do everything themselves just amazes me. I can’t wait to see what these guys bring to the table next. 

For more information, please go to www.facebook.com/spkezytas/.

For more information, please go to www.facebook.com/spkezytas/.


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