Album Review - Rise Against - Nowhere Generation



Nowhere Generation is the brand new album from punk rock band Rise Against. This being their ninth studio album which is following their last album “Wolves” that was released back in 2017. The band formed back in 1999 and have since released a catalog of great music that is loved by fans worldwide. They have released a few tracks off the new album such as “Middle Of A Dream”, “Broken Dreams, Inc”, and of course the title track “Nowhere Generation” which were released as a teaser to show fans what the new album sounds like. 

First track on the album is “The Numbers” and it is one hell of an intro as it starts off pretty clean with non-distorted guitars but then blasts into that classic Rise Against sound that we love with strong vocals and fast paced instruments. With the versus being slower and the choruses more fast paced it makes for a really solid track. “Sudden Urge” has an intoxicating riff that you won’t be able to get out of your head, mixed with sick guitar tones and solid vocals - you're in for a good time with this track. We are next met with the title track “Nowhere Generation” that brings powerful lyrics and raw vocals to the table and crashes into some heavy instrumentals. “Talking To Ourselves” is definitely the highlight track of the album for me. It’s hard hitting drums and fast paced guitars make for a great start to the song and from the first verse I became instantly hooked as it sounds like it came out in the early 2000’s. “Broken Dreams Inc” has this heavy as fuck bass riff that just takes hold of you until a huge crash of fast paced instruments and then it fades to softer vocals. While “Forfeit” starts off completely slow with clean acoustic guitars and vocals that becomes another favourite of mine before falling back into the fast and heavy sounds of “Monarch” that has a punchy chorus that you will love instantly. “Sounds Like” has this powerful bass line throughout the entire song that really holds it together perfectly. Another slower track in the beginning with “Sooner Or Later” that picks up the pace in the first verse which I’ve noticed is a strong pattern in Rise Against tracks. The last two tracks on the album are “Middle Of A Dream” and “Rules Of Play” and they are both equally great and really send the album off perfectly. Both feature really unique and rad as fuck guitars that catch your attention and project some very strong vocals and lyrics. 

Rise Against definitely have a pattern in their songwriting as a lot of their tracks have the formula of going fast, slow, fast, slow, fast which is not a bad thing at all - if anything it’s really impressive that they have a lot of this in a lot of their songs yet they still convey their message and make it unique in each track. 

This album to put it bluntly, was really fucking great. It has a lot of those older Rise Against elements that take you back to the early 2000’s while also bringing new things to the table. Every track radiates such force and power that is in your face and I love that. 

If you’re a fan of the band you’re gonna love this album a lot. 

ORDER NOWHERE GENERATION HEREPre-save "Nowhere Generation" the new album from Rise Against out everywhere June 4th 2021


Pre-save "Nowhere Generation" the new album from Rise Against out everywhere June 4th 2021

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