Song Review - Mallrat - Teeth


I’m a newbie to Mallrat, I just learnt she is a very talented singer and rapper from Brisbane, Australia. From what I was also learning she became a viral sensation as a teenager uploading her own tracks singing about her experience in school, social exclusion and stuff that happens in school. Which I think is pretty dope and to add to that she went on to have her album be on the top ten Australian chart back in 2019. I had to share in case this is your first time listening to Mallrat too, it’s cool to know how she came around.

Okay so back to the song, this is my first time listening to her song “Teeth” , something different to what I normally listen to, I like it, it's great! Why? Well this song kicks off with a nice sound of guitar, it’s got a good beat, nice bass, plus the intro to the song, if you get my drift, really gets your head bobbing. It’s got that rock, electro pop vibe to it. Now her voice is really sexy, and kinda seductive too, I must add.

The lyrics to this song I’m a bit confused about what she’s referring to, “it’s in my hair, in my sleep, in my hands, in my teeth” I’m not sure what to make of it, trying to understand it, I think she’s singing about someone, or something that has happened to her, now she can't the situation/experience/thing get out of her mind, in this case her teeth. Like clenching your jaw maybe in anger? Anyways, I like it, it’s just a catchy song. I bet listening to Mallrat live would be worth a visit. Going to a live event listening to artists like her and her music brings that sense of good energy that listening to it on YouTube, the radio, on your phone, you know just normally, doesn’t have the same effect.

'Teeth' by Mallrat is out now
Stream/buy it HERE


Song Review - Missy Higgins - The Collector
